Shares may be held for either investment or trading purposes, and profits on sale are earned in either case. The intention to make a profit is not, on its own, sufficient to establish that a business is being carried on.Ī share trader carries on business activities for the purpose of earning income from buying and selling shares. Nature of activity and purpose of profit making whether your activities are organised in a business-like way.the repetition, volume and regularity of your activities.the nature and purpose of your activities.To determine whether you are a share trader or a business of trading shares, the following factors have been taken into account in court cases: Under tax law, a business includes 'any profession, trade, employment, vocation or calling, but does not include occupation as an employee'.
How to determine if you are a share traderĭetermining if you are a share trader is the same as determining whether your activities are considered to be carrying on a business for tax purposes. Transaction costs of buying or selling sharesĬosts (such as interest on borrowed money) incurred in earning dividend income from shares Taken into account in calculating capital gain or loss when shares are sold Used to offset capital gains or carried forward to offset future capital gainsĬannot be used to offset income from other sources Tax treatment of share investors and share traders If you change from an investor to a trader, or vice versa, the treatment of your profits or losses will also change.

your shares are treated like trading stock in a business.income is earned from dividends and similar receipts.if you have a capital loss you can use it to offset capital gains but not to offset income from other sources.your costs are taken into account at the time you sell your shares.your shares are assets and are subject to capital gains tax when you sell them.Changing from investor to trader, or trader to investor.How to determine if you are a share trader.Work out if you are investing or trading in shares, and the difference it makes to your tax.